Caravaners with Pets

Pets on the Nor’ By Nor’east Caravan

Caravanning with pets requires additional responsibility of the pet owners; therefore, be aware that while traveling with us don’t forget about the furry little friends you left behind for the day.

Much of our time away from the Airstreams is spent on tours, in restaurants, museums, buses, trolleys and boats. We have ample opportunity to visit restrooms during our day. Don’t forget about your pets back in the Airstream. Is it hot, stuffy and lonesome? It could be; it is up to you to take care of them and ensure they are safe and have equal time where they can take care of those biological needs we sometimes take for granted.

If a group of pet owners get together to ensure their pets are walked and cared for on our caravan we probably won’t have any unhappy pets.  Sharing the responsibilities of walking your pets is a friendly and inexpensive way to ensure your pet is A-OK.

Doing your homework before you find out you are going to be away for the day is the only way you can be relaxed that your pet is well-taken care of in your absence.
Searching out a pet-sitter or dog walker is sometimes easier done well before you leave for the caravan. (Google is your friend & a wonderful search engine).

If your dog has an altercation where a person is bitten, various local and state laws sometimes provide that up-to-date vaccination records be presented to local police officials or your pet will have to be held in quarantine for a long period of time.

In Massachusetts, all public and private campgrounds require their patrons with pets to have up-to -date vaccination records for each pet. We find it is best to have both hard copies of these records and scanned editions of them stored in your computer.

In Plymouth, MA, at the Sandy Pond Campground, there is a $5 fee for any dog that weighs more than 25 pounds. If this fee is charged us, we will make sure the pet owner pays for it in the Kitty Fee.

In Maine we are camping at Searsport Ocean Campground where the management will not allow more than 3 dogs in an RV.

In Canada, one of the questions that could be asked at the border is about pets. They might request a copy of the vaccination certificate. The paperwork should be with your passports, insurance papers, etc.

On our caravans, you might find a service dog along for the day as we travel here and there. This is a special-needs animal that fulfills a need to someone with a condition that requires this service dog. It is not a pet and goes anywhere a person goes. Service dogs are governed by Federal Laws approved by all states and provinces of the USA and Canada.